Act of Contrition

Kneel at the feet of the searing,  Withered and flattened World, O my Country! Take your Penance  And Swallow it. Ask the Kurds  And the Yemenis And Nigerians and All those others with  Brown hair and dark eyes Ask the Mothers and Fathers  Across the World, Ask ALL of THEM to Forgive you. Forgive you for the horrors  You have Shoveled upon THEM Like huge, burning COALS And the ruin you have made of  Their Children’s Futures. Then, only then, Crying and rending  Your Clothes--- Take all you have taken…

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Plant Trees!

Many people are out of work, so now we need a new Civilian Conservation Corps.  CA lost millions of trees, risking runoff this winter into our salmon streams.  We should hire thousands of tree planters, plus volunteers doing community service.  It's safer working outside, with distance and masks.  Lots of organizations, businesses, tourism and students could help them plant millions of trees, and do other conservation work, across the state.

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From Car-Love to Car-Friendship

Living a 1930’s lifestyle is quite a lesson. As soon as the pandemic hit, we all knew we were in for a taste of thrifty 1930’s style Depression life. To prepare for a life of thrift, almost 20 years ago, our family took the urging of Adbusters magazine’s incredible “Buy Nothing Day” campaign. Spending a day spending no money taught my kids and me a lot and to this day, we use it. But with the economic collapse of these last months, I am herein instituting for myself and urging…

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