Yoga & Meditation
Below are some of our favorite yoga & meditation videos and resources to help you relax, de-stress, and check in with your body.
This 26 minute Yoga With Adriene break is designed to help you shift your gears and re-direct energy to serve! Recharge your batteries and use this grounding practice to align or re-align with what feels good.
Monday Weekly ONLINE Mediation and Healing sessions are ongoing. Noon PST, 3pm EST, 8pm GMT 9pm Paris.
You may join us free the first time.
Movement Medicine – 15 min Calming Practice is one of a two part series called Movement Medicine. It’s designed to help you cultivate balance, peace and poise.
This type of practice invites you to use the power tools of breath, movement and discipline to get clear about what you want. Practice mindfully and regularly so that you can find the energy you need to rise to the occasion you were born to.
Join Adriene for a sweet 18 minute yoga flow created to inspire grounding and balance. This practice is an invitation to trust. Just as we condition and strengthen our bodies, so too can we condition and strengthen our sense of trust and hope. With this quick flow, we’ll cultivate fresh energy and release anything stagnant. We’ll also gently ground with some hip openers, energize with some heart openers, and invite balance back to the mind, body and spirit.
15 Minute Meditation For Anxiety guides you through a simple at home meditation to provide relief from anxiety, stress and energetic imbalance. Find a comfortable seat, tune into your breath and soften. Return to this practice regularly for preventative care. Great for beginners!
Join me for this 35 minute loving and powerful grounding yoga session. This special at-home practice is anchored in an invitation to focus on the rise and fall. Through this structure we will lean in and use the tools of asana, breath, and science to welcome a sense of peacefulness and ease for both mind and body. The awareness of my own vulnerability has made me more aware of others’ vulnerability and more loving and receptive in general. Thank you for taking some time to be with yourself, to care for your self, and to notice what all is possible.